Be, son, a superman -
Strong, extraordinary,
Wonderful and kind
Free from worries forever!
Believe in good omens
Win in this life,
May you be lucky in love and business,
There will be vigor and strength in the body,
To smile sweetly
And, fortunately, to be
In a world of joy and luck
And good luck! Happy Birthday!

We held a bundle of happiness in our arms,
But the years passed quickly.
Now we have a handsome son,
Almost a man now.
A sea of ​​happiness and luck,
Ocean of great love
To be a hero in life,
Do not keep badness in your heart.
May your character be smooth
The taste of happiness is very sweet,
Happy birthday our beloved,
Be your guardian angel!

My son, you are my support in life,
And now your anniversary has come.
How quickly time flew by -
You have become wiser for a whole year!
What can I wish for you on your holiday?
May your dreams come true soon,
And so that the wife does not cheat,
Just be more cheerful with pepper!

Birthday is a special date,
This holiday cannot be compared with anything,
And the wizard once came up with
Give joy to the birthday boy.
Let Your face shine with happiness,
Eyes bloom in a smile,
Happy birthday son, congratulations
And we always wish you good luck.

On your birthday, son, it seems to me that I am more worried than you. Time flew by so quickly, I was waiting for you to grow up, and now, when I look at a handsome thirty-year-old man, I want to take you to kindergarten again. Don’t look at my tears, boy, they are from happiness that you have grown into a real man. Next to you is a family that loves you, appreciates you and will do everything to make your beloved dad and husband happy. I want you to always know that we love you. Let your guiding star show only the right path, and your guardian angel protect you from rash actions. Let everything in life work out what you dream of. I wish your family to always have peace, prosperity and love. Take care, son, happy birthday.

Happy birthday, son!
The joy of mom and dad
Our cheerful boy
Smart, kindest.
May you be lucky in everything
Moments make me happy
Look ahead happily
In a cheerful mood.
You will reach all heights
With effort.
Let your dreams come true
Bold wishes!

Happy birthday, our son!
To be a man is limited.
Be honest with yourself,
He is faithful to both friends and relatives.
You are with the dear one in your life
Decide carefully
Fleeting time
You decide wisely.
Be healthy and be happy
Endlessly and immeasurably
Everything in life is in your hands,
The main thing is to do everything right!

Happy Birthday, son! Without any rigmarole
Achieve everything, without fuss,
Let there be no models next to you,
It is important that you are loved!
Let it not be the plane standing in the hangar,
But only Lexus, Jaguar,
You are a cheerful, kind, nice guy -
Get happiness from life as a gift!

My son, how quickly you are becoming a man. I so want to hold you close to me and go back to the time when you were little. Today I once again wish you a happy birthday. You know, I really want you to achieve your dreams, to realize all your plans. Don’t worry that it will be difficult and that everything won’t work out right away. Never back down from difficulties, but go straight to them. Be brave and decisive. I wish you to find true friends, without whom it is impossible to imagine more than one person. I wish you to fall in love and shout to the whole world about your happiness. I also really want you to find your self-realization in your profession and reach heights. What else can you do? Of course, health and more strength, which will be very useful in life. Happy birthday, son!

Grow, my son, like a light,
Even if you get lost on the road,
A passerby exhausted by despair,
Having noticed you, he will gain faith,
Have a nice trip, son!
And no matter how high you fly,
Never forget three shrines:
The mother's breast that suckled You,
A friend's hand in stormy years,
The lips that kissed you
Whom did you love for the first time?

At my beloved son
Today the holiday has arrived,
On this wonderful birthday
I wish you well and a lot of strength.
May you be smart and brave,
You will take on any task,
You will be strong like Schwarzenegger
Do boxing and running.
I wish you fast legs,
The eyes are the sharpest,
I wish you a calm life,
And the nights are the longest.

Whatever the mother is, and whatever the son is, these two dear people are connected by a thin thread all their lives. A mother will always feel if her child is happy, even from a great distance. I wish you, son, to walk firmly and confidently through life, to choose goals that will strengthen your character and make you wiser. On your path you will meet love, true friendship, kindness, mercy and honor. Remember, sometimes the path is not easy, and your father’s house is a place where you can always take a break and gain strength for new achievements.

To my beloved son
Today we dedicate these lines
And happy birthday
We congratulate him with all our hearts.
For us, you are the most beloved on the planet.
And there is no one closer to you in the world.
Dad and I really want to wish
In life, son, never suffer.
Illness, betrayal, grief - not to know
And whatever happens
Do not be sad!

With a special feeling on your birthday
I wish you happy years son,
Health, joy, movement
Through prosperity and victories.
I wish everything comes true
And the wings of glory, son, found you,
And the name appeared in a row
The great ones of the whole Earth!

Receive your son from your mother on this birthday
Sincere and simple congratulations like this -
Be strong and healthy, always be on friendly terms,
May your path be illuminated by a bright star of good luck.
Remain simple, sincere and kind,
Don't ask God for much, and don't be proud.
May there always be moments for joy,
For sadness, so that you never know the reason!

Everything happens in our life,
You, our son, hold on:
Don't be sad, don't whine,
And don't complain about life.
As you go through life,
Just keep your back straight
So that everyone around knows -
You are a real man.
If you're a man,
Then, believe your mom and dad,
What will you achieve everything
Both in the family and at work.

My dear boy! Today I congratulate you on our holiday. Happy day you were born and the day I became the happiest mother on Earth. I want to wish you joy in life, great love, kindness and warmth. If you are happy, mom will be happy too.

An adult son came to his father
And the man asked:
- So I didn’t find a wife,
What, father, is the reason?
Dad looked slyly
Scratched my head
And this is his answer
With a kind smile:
- You are a very big son -
30 years today.
You are looking for a wife with your soul,
Don't listen to nonsense.
You look for a wife like a mother,
This is the right way.
The one that can give
Don't spoil your nerves.

It's nice when you realize that the child managed to instill all the positive qualities necessary for a real man and just a good person. Son, happy birthday. Build on all your successes and don’t be afraid of difficulties!

Congratulations, dear,
My beloved, my glorious, dear!
And I wish you more flights,
No potholes, sides or slides!
May the heavenly angel protect you
Be worthy of your height
Let life always be interesting
And dreams come true quickly!

Happy birthday, dear,
Our beloved, dear,
The best in the whole world
All over the world, all over the planet,
Our dear son.
How proud we are of you!
Let everything be with you
Better, more beautiful than yesterday.
Understanding, inspiration
And good luck to you in everything.
Let your dreams come true.
Happiness, joy, love!

I want to congratulate you
And wish from the heart
Regardless of the rules
Manage your life.

And don’t waste it in vain,
Don't burn days without meaning,
Drive away anger and envy from her,
And always have friends.

Be beautiful and happy
And let the world shine with happiness.
Happy Birthday sweetheart,
The best son in the world!

My dear son, you are my hope and my support! Congratulations on your birthday! I wish you, my dear son, to walk your life’s path easily and simply. Let you meet only kind and sympathetic people there. Be honest, fair and smart. Let everything you plan come true, let everything you dream about come true. Be polite and grateful, love and appreciate everything you have. I really want, my dear son, to be surrounded by only devoted and faithful friends. Be healthy and happy!

One night I'm destined
She gave me a son.
I was the happiest one
I idolized you.

And time passed, my son grew up,
He grew up, got smarter, tried.
Never hung my nose
Although I was upset.

Well, now you're an adult.
Be healthy and happy.
Let your dreams come true
My dear, be loved.

And happy birthday, dear.
Congratulations to you, son.
To you, dear son,
I wish you good luck.

We wish you on your birthday, son,
So that you are not alone in your life.
So that there are children, a wife and friends.
So that everyone respects and loves you.

So that plans come true, all dreams come true.
Always be successful and joyful.
Don’t harbor grudges and know how to forgive everyone.
Believe me, it’s easier and more correct to live this way.

More health, good luck, warmth,
So that spring will certainly bloom in my soul.
We love you and wish you well.
May happiness always live in your heart.

You're getting older
Every year you grow older.
My son, happy birthday.
Be healthy, don't get sick.

I wish you happiness
More bright, warm days.
Fulfillment of dreams,
So that you live more cheerfully.

What to wish your son for his birthday?
Be strong and healthy always!
No matter what happens, stay strong
And never lose faith!

Be persistent, achieve your goal,
Know how to truly love.
And so that the years don’t fly by in vain,
Be happy and know how to be a man!

That moment was unforgettable
When did you decide to be born?
And your first capricious cry
Changed my life with my dad.
You are growing up cheerful and beautiful.
You need to know everything around you.
Son, you are the best, my love!
And we want to tell you,
Happy birthday,
We wish you to always be kind!
Have a little patience,
And everything will work out then.

My son, bright hope!
Your smile is so sweet.
I love you, as in childhood, tenderly...
You are spring for my soul!

May God grant you to live with dignity.
Health, happiness and love.
On your life's path.
Find luck and success.

You are one man for me.
Beloved, affectionate, dear.
Thank you, Lord, for your son!
Live happily, dear!

Happy birthday, my son,
Mom's scarlet flower,
My joy, my success.
For me you are the best!

Be happy, kind, brave,
Be lucky, be skillful,
There are no difficulties in life,
Always help the weak.

I want to wish you a happy birthday, son.
Open up this world and take a leap!
Light up the star that will lead you forward.
May you greet the sunrise with pleasure.
Be decisive in your endeavors,
And don’t forget to call your mom more often.
Fly high, let your dreams lead you into the distance.
Be responsible, smart, serious.
It’s as if you’re always living in a fairy tale.
Accelerate, press the pedal.
Let confidence and strength be in the blood.

Adult children do not always live close to their parents, which makes it difficult to celebrate this important event together. However, modern methods of communication will help reduce distances and congratulate your son on his birthday in an original way, even if he is currently in another city or in another country.

All mothers and fathers always see their little boy in their now grown son, whom they want to congratulate in a special way on the day of his birth. The birthday boy will be pleased with a beautiful wish, especially if it was received from his beloved mother and father.

Don't know how to please your sons on their name day? Congratulate them in an original way by writing a memorable farewell message. Each parent will be able to compose his own original congratulations on his son’s birthday in poetry or prose, taking into account the age of his child, his character traits, the circumstances of the holiday and family traditions.

With the help of such warm messages expressing love and pride in their sons, mothers and fathers can give adult children a piece of their feelings, making their adult life brighter and more emotionally rich.

Not a single, even the most expensive, gift for boys is complete without written or oral wishes and congratulations on their birthday. A son, small or large, is always pleased by his parents’ warm words of love, in which he finds support and support for himself at any age.

If you want to give a beautiful gift to your boy, think over your congratulations and choose the appropriate text. A cheerful or beautiful congratulations on the son’s birthday, in which parents can wish him everything that he himself wants and what they expect from him, gives meaning and significance to such a holiday and allows you to please your beloved son.

Parents today can congratulate their son on his birthday in different ways, depending on the age of the birthday boy and family traditions. For the best forms and options for congratulatory texts, any format is available, as long as it comes from the heart and gives the hero of the occasion joy and elation. Here are examples of the best, according to users, options for wishes.

“What should I wish you on your birthday, dear and dear son? Traditionally, on this day, wishes include health, success in school, work and personal life. We wished all this for you from the first minutes of your birth. But sometimes all this is not enough to live a truly good and vibrant life. We want you, first of all, to become a real person. Everything else is secondary. We love and are proud of you, our dear boy.”

These parental words in honor of their son’s coming of age will be a real parting word.

“Dear son. On this day you were born 18 years ago, and it became the happiest moment in our lives for dad and me. I was ready to give you the whole world and all its possibilities, but this is not in my power. I could only give you life, my boy. Use it so that the world around you, my son, becomes more beautiful and kinder!”

Often you need to write a short congratulation, which is usually included with the gift. It is written on a small postcard with a themed design. It is not always possible to fit into the small field of such a postcard all the words and wishes that a mother or father would like to say to their beloved son when presenting a gift. Here are examples of short birthday greetings for your son.

Son, happy birthday!

Let your eyes always burn with passion for life,

Your cherished aspirations come true,

Love, health, goodness and good luck to you, as well as pleasure!

Our dear, dear son, you are our pride and joy,

We will be happy to congratulate you on your birthday!

We wish you happiness, joy, success and health.

“Dear son, happy birthday to you! I wish you the embodiment of all your hopes and desires, significant achievements and joy in your heart. Your mother".

In verse

If you want to congratulate your heir in an original way and not write traditional words like “dear son,” then choose congratulations in verse, for example, of this type.

We wish our son health and strength,
So that these gifts will be enough for 100 years.
And if by luck they are enough for 200,
Then we would like to live them with you together.

Beloved son, you will soon become strong and big,

And I wish that along with growth

Kindness of soul would come to you.

Walk with her through life together in step

And do not regret doing good for people.

In prose

This is what holiday messages to a son from mother and father may look like in prosaic form.

“Our beloved tomboy, we kiss and congratulate you with all our hearts. Our whole family celebrates this day as a holiday, because we always believe in you, love you and place our hopes on our growing son. You are the whole meaning of parenthood. We happily follow your ups and are saddened by your temporary failures. We wanted you to achieve everything you want in life. But remember, we love you, everyone, because you are our blood and flesh, the continuation of our life.”

“We congratulate you on your birthday and wish you good health, happiness, good luck in all your endeavors and great love. May fate always be favorable to you, may troubles pass you by, may all your cherished dreams and hopes come true.”

SMS congratulations

By phone, you can send your son short and succinct messages with such content.

Dear son, happy Valentine's Day to you!

I want you to bathe in happiness today,

So that people love, respect and appreciate you,

And you always remained strong and kind.

“With all our parental hearts, we would like to wish the best little son in the world the fulfillment of all plans and plans, happy and mutual love, as well as increased health and well-being. We appreciate your attention and support. Happy birthday to you, our dear little siskin! Your mommy and daddy."

“Please accept our sincere wishes and congratulations, son. We love you and are proud of you. Be happy and healthy, dear, and surrounded by the love of loved ones. Everything else will come to you because you are strong, talented, hardworking and incredibly persistent. Let our love with your father be your protection from adversity and sorrow. May loving family members always be waiting for you at home. Without a reliable and warm hearth, a man does not need achievements. May you, like your mother and I, have those for whom you will move mountains.”


You can write a congratulation in a cheerful poetic form that will definitely bring a smile not only to the birthday person, but also to the senders themselves. Cheerful congratulations make such a holiday more “intimate” and bring parents and children closer together. Cool words can be like that.

You are our pride and joy,

Happy birthday, dear son!

We all love you very much!

You are the only one we have!

Beloved son, don’t whine, don’t cry,

Live easily, without hunching your back,

After all, if you are a man,

Then you can achieve everything with ease.

Wise and philosophical wishes

This holiday can also be celebrated as an epochal date in his life, as the beginning of a new adult stage, when parents must give their child important parting words. In this case, wise sayings and philosophical statements about the upcoming adult life are suitable, which should become a life guide for him. Here are examples of rhymed wishes.

My son, I wish you on this day

Health, good luck and happiness.

Strive for justice, kindness and be generous in your participation

In the fates of other people who ask for help.

This will help you to survive misfortune in difficult times.

And this is how you can give a parting philosophical message in prose to your mature boy.

“Son, you greeted the world for the first time on this day with your cry several years ago. You became our most beloved and dear little bundle, your mother and I tried to teach you the best and always tried to make you smile, drying your tears. Be generous to your loved ones, and do not spare kindness for others. This is precisely the meaning of the happiness we wish you.”

Methods of sending congratulatory texts

You can send such congratulations by regular mail, via cell phone, email or any messenger. A variety of sending options allows you not only to send congratulations in a timely manner, but also makes it possible, if necessary, to do this more than once during the day if parents want to celebrate this significant day for all relatives in a special way.


To make your son’s birthday brighter and more memorable, it is often enough to simply choose beautiful and warm words for congratulations. They can be presented in poetry or prose, in short or long messages, written or spoken. You just need to apply a little imagination and desire to please your boy.

But in order for your son to become truly happy on his birthday from the congratulations he received, you need to take into account a large number of various factors. Congratulations should always be individual in nature and note the characteristic features of the person.

Each parent will be able to choose the most suitable congratulation format for themselves:

  • solemn;
  • comic;
  • philosophical;
  • in prose;
  • in verse;
  • as a fun prank.

The best congratulation will be the one that will bring joy to both the birthday boy and his parents. After all, a happy son means happiness for the parents themselves. On his birthday, they will be able to wish him all the best and rejoice at his successes, to which they have a direct connection.

My son, my hope and support!
Be happy like no one else has ever been.
May your dreams come true soon,
Just be determined always.

You trust only those who were with you
In doubt, in joy, in sadness and on the way.
And be strong, brave and worthy yourself,
And extend a helping hand to anyone.

May God protect and protect you
From all diseases and other adversities.
Let the wealth in the house not dry up,
The family lives without grief and worries.

Take care of yourself, son, and remember sacredly
My heartfelt parental order.
Share your huge soul with people,
And happy birthday, my boy, once again!

My beloved and dear son, I congratulate you on your birthday. With all my heart I want to wish that your life is filled with happiness and love, kindness and good luck, health and inspiration, true friends and good deeds. Always achieve all your goals, breathe deeply and enjoy life every day!

Happy birthday
I love you, my adult son.
Grew up quickly, flew by
Days in a moment.

I wish you happiness, son,
I want to wish you in life.
Let troubles go by,
To not know them at all.

I ask fate a little:
Only goodness, health, strength,
So that you are always safe
The angel kept it carefully.

You have grown up a long time ago, my son!
Became quite a man
But a child for me
You haven't stopped being.

On your birthday I want
I wish you
Move forward persistently
Make your dreams come true.

I wish you sanity
In decision making,
Love and devoted friends,
And many accomplishments.

Whichever way you go,
Whatever path you choose,
Be always protected by God.
And don't let yourself get knocked down.

Happy birthday to my wonderful and already quite grown-up son. Be truly happy, deeply loved, incredibly successful and always confident. I wish you health, prosperity, good luck and luck.

Son, I congratulate you!
You have matured and matured.
On your birthday I wish
So that you look forward with faith.

With all my heart I wish you happiness,
Wide life roads,
Great goals to achieve,
Live in abundance and without worries.

Be a happy father and husband,
Always healthy, strong spirit,
Let life give you what you were looking for,
Let everything you dream about come true.

Even though you are already quite an adult, you have your own independent life, but you will still remain for me my most beloved and dear son. Happy birthday to you, my dear. I wish you prosperity in life and fulfilled hopes, justified goals and prosperity, love and happiness, good health and great luck.

I wish you, son, on your birthday
More health and only good things.
Let only one achievement await you,
May you live even better than you lived yesterday!

May there be many wonderful events
In a career, in a family, among close friends.
I wish you many new discoveries
And only happy and joyful days!

Dear, beloved son. I wish you to always be a healthy, strong and full of strength man. I wish that your hands will never be afraid of work, and that any task will be within your strength and reach. I wish your life to be full of joy, fun, prosperity and material wealth. Let nothing disturb your happiness, interfere with your prosperity and let nothing stop you on the path to success. Happy birthday!

Our dear son, we congratulate you on your birthday! Let your adult life follow prosperous paths and always follow your morals and preferences. We wish you the best health, masculine charisma, prosperity and a million positive feelings for every colorful day. Happiness to your family nest, unbreakable fortress, crazy love, tenderness, complete trust and a radiant mood for a long future.

A son's birthday is an important holiday for mom and dad. Parents also feel involved in it. Usually they prepare congratulations for the heir in advance and try not just to tell him: “Happy birthday, son!”, but to supplement the text with interesting, beautiful wishes.

On their son's birthday, mom and dad are in a special mood from the very morning. On this holiday, parents feel pleasant excitement every year. After all, a certain number of years ago, on an important day, dad most likely took his wife to the maternity hospital and was very worried about the appearance of a long-awaited son in their family. And my mother’s whole life was completely turned upside down.

By the way, the birthday boy himself can congratulate his beloved parents on his holiday. For example, give mom a beautiful bouquet of flowers, and dad his favorite sweets. And, of course, thank your closest and dearest people for life, for love, for all the opportunities given and joyful, pleasant emotions. Parents will definitely appreciate such a congratulation and will be touched.

Mom and dad themselves will probably also prepare wishes for their little one. If you can’t write them yourself, you can take ready-made ones. For example, separate congratulations to the son from mom and dad. But the common ones from both parents also sound very nice.

Happy birthday, dear,
Our beloved, dear,
The best in the whole world
All over the world, all over the planet,
Our dear son.
How proud we are of you!
Let everything be with you
Better, more beautiful than yesterday.
Understanding, inspiration
And good luck to you in everything.
Let your dreams come true.
Happiness, joy, love!
One night I'm destined
She gave me a son.
I was the happiest one
I idolized you.
And time passed, my son grew up,
He grew up, got smarter, tried.
Never hung my nose
Although I was upset.
Well, now you're an adult.
Be healthy and happy.
Let your dreams come true
My dear, be loved.
And happy birthday, dear.
Congratulations to you, son.
To you, dear son,
I wish you good luck.
Our dear son, happy birth to you! May everything you wish for today come true. We wish you as much happiness as you gave us with your birth. We love you very much, dear!

How beautifully to congratulate your son on the holiday

To beautifully congratulate your son on the holiday, you should start doing this from the very early morning. Regardless of the guy’s age, he will be pleased to wake up in a festively decorated apartment. You can use balloons and name posters for this.

A great idea would be to create a poster for your son with photographs of him from birth to the present day. Such posters turn out to be especially touching. Parents can write captions and wishes for each photo.

Or simply leave comments about the moments captured in the pictures. You can be sure that your son will treasure such a gift and look at it again from time to time.

You also need to take care of a delicious breakfast. Let this be the birthday boy’s favorite (even if completely unhealthy) treat. Next to the laid breakfast, you should also put a beautiful card with your chosen wishes for your son.

Further stages depend on the imagination of the parents, their financial capabilities and the preferences of the son himself. You can invite the birthday boy to a cafe where friends are already waiting for him, go on a fun walk together, or even take out your packed suitcases and offer to fly to a hot country for the celebration.

Whatever the final option, the son will in any case appreciate the attention of mom and dad and their efforts to make the guy’s holiday special.

Cool congratulations for your son from your parents

Happy birthday to your beloved son from your parents can be not only beautiful and touching, but also funny. Surely the family has many funny stories that evoke extremely pleasant emotions and that you want to remember again on holiday.

For example, from the early childhood of the birthday boy. You can use them as the basis for your cool congratulations.

If you couldn’t remember such stories, you should just choose ready-made wishes for your son with a funny text. The main task of such a congratulation is to make the birthday person smile and generally lift his spirits. It will be especially relevant if the hero of the occasion suddenly decides to be sad in the morning. With funny wishes, parents will be able to rectify the situation.

Happy birthday, dear son! May your life be fun and easy, filled with the support of friends and loved ones. I wish that your best qualities develop, goals are achieved, dreams come true. We love you very much! You can always count on our support. Good mood, health, good luck!
My wonderful son, on your birthday, with all my heart I want to wish that you never stray from your chosen path, that no one can interfere with your plans, that, as your fate dictates, only good and joyful events happen in life, so that the courage of your heart, the courage of your soul, the bright thoughts of your head, the strong core of your character and the sincere feelings of your nature have always allowed you to achieve what you wanted and remain a happy person.
We wish you on your birthday, son,
So that you are not alone in your life.
So that there are children, a wife and friends.
So that everyone respects and loves you.
So that plans come true, all dreams come true.
Always be successful and joyful.
Don’t harbor grudges and know how to forgive everyone.
Believe me, it’s easier and more correct to live this way.
More health, good luck, warmth,
So that spring will certainly bloom in my soul.
We love you and wish you well.
May happiness always live in your heart.

Short wishes in your own words and short poems

If your son is already an adult and does not like “cuteness” and touching congratulations, then you should not prepare long, sentimental poems or similar prose texts for him. It is better to make do with short and concise wishes. It's good if you can write them in your own words.

Of course, even in the case described, you don’t need to make your congratulations too dry. Let it contain words of love and pride in your son. And the warmest sincere wishes.

If you can’t voice the prepared text to your son in person, you can simply put it in the gift wrapping. Then the birthday boy will have the opportunity to read his parents’ wishes at the most convenient moment, left alone with his thoughts, and not skim through the heartfelt lines with his eyes, listening with one ear to the next congratulation from the guest.

Let joy warm you with your breath,
Let happiness cover you with a wave,
I wish you only happiness,
My beloved son.
May everything in your life come together,
All wishes come true
May fate smile on you
Will give you endless success!
Son, happy birthday! How time flies!
Today we want to wish you
Success in business, cheerful mood,
Have a wonderful dream of free flight,
I can always handle any task,
And in life may only luck await you,
Prosperity, health - will always come in handy,
And we will be proud of our beloved son.
Son, laugh, love, live life to the fullest, make mistakes, learn, don’t lose heart, be strong! The whole world is open to you, a million possibilities, thousands of doors, choose the right one! Be happy and give happiness to others, happy birthday!
Son, happy birthday to you! Today you have become a little more mature, but for us you will always remain our beloved child. More joy to you, dear and less grief, more luck and joyful events, prosperity, success, health, love, optimism! Be always the happiest, most cheerful and successful!

On his birthday, every person especially expects pleasant words from the dearest people on the planet - their parents. Therefore, mom and dad should dial their son’s number or come to visit him in the morning.

A birthday can be an excellent occasion to get together at a common table, once again tell your loved ones about your love, just have fun chatting and laughing.
