And the law of attraction. It is these two phenomena that we will talk about today. If you understand how the power of thought and the law of attraction actually work, then you can receive all earthly blessings. A car, a loved one, a luxury house or apartment, a good well-paid job - you will have all this.

We can confidently say that this is exactly what will happen. All people are subject to the above law. Some are not even aware of what thought is. And, let us note, it is very large. The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like. Therefore, you are the creator of reality.

Only what is in your head, what your attention, emotions and thoughts are concentrated on will appear in your life. The present is the result of past thoughts. Everything you have (good and bad) you have attracted to yourself.

The Law of Attraction and the Power of Thought are Great Weapons

To win you need to use it correctly. Some people are unhappy only because they came up with it on their own, and as a result, of course, they got it. Every thought, regardless of whether it is negative or positive, has its own energy. And the Universe embodies what it has to a greater extent, and not what is desired or, conversely, what is undesirable.

Remember the golden rule: never use the word “no” in your words and thoughts. You should say: “I am healthy,” and not “I don’t want to get sick.” Since the law of attraction does not know what “no” is, it understands your phrase literally, but without this particle. Therefore, it turns out that those who do not want to get sick get sick.

The power of thought and the law of attraction: what to do to make everything work?

The right thought will help you. This means you should only think about what you want.

To succeed, you must learn to do the following:

  1. Clear your mind of negativity. You remember that bad thoughts are the main enemy. Negative statements can destroy everything (plans, hopes, and dreams).
  2. Monitor your emotions. Everything you feel is attracted to you. The better they are, the better the point of attraction and, accordingly, your life. Of course, at first it’s difficult to do this, but over time you will succeed.
  3. Let go of your desires. The law of attraction will begin to work only when you forget about the timing of the fulfillment of your dreams and question its fulfillment.
  4. Learn to be grateful for everything, even the smallest things.

Focus on what you want. Don't listen to those who say that you won't succeed, you're not worthy of it, etc.

Finally, useful advice: ignore negative information that comes to you without your desire (move away from the source, transfer your thoughts to another “wavelength,” change the topic of conversation - in general, do everything possible and impossible to avoid it).

Of course, it is difficult to change habits and thinking that have been established for years at a time, but it is possible. You can achieve a lot if you understand what the power of thought and the law of attraction are, how they work, and how to think correctly. We hope that our article helped you find answers to these questions. I wish you success!

Law of Attraction Hicks Esther

To think is to attract

To think is to attract

The more you begin to understand the power of the Law of Attraction, the more motivated you will be to consciously control your thoughts because you get what you think about, whether you want it or not.

Everything you think about, without exception, you begin to attract into your life. When you think a little about what you want, Law of Attraction the thought gets bigger and bigger, stronger and stronger When you think about something you don't want, Law of Attraction“feeds” on this, and this thought also grows. Thus, the larger a thought becomes, the more energy it contains, and the more likely it is to manifest itself in your life.

When you see something you'd like to experience and say, "Yes, I want that!" - yours pay attention to invite it into your life. However, when you see something you don't want in your life and you scream, "

“No, no, I don’t want this!” - you attract this into life with yours attention. There are no exceptions in this gravity-based Universe. Your attention to something includes that something in your vibration. If you hold your attention or consciousness on this subject for a long time, Law of Attraction will attract it to you because “no” does not exist. In short, when you look at something and scream, “No, I don’t want that, get out!” - in fact, you call it upon yourself. In this gravity-based universe, “no” does not exist. Your attention to something says: “Yes, come to me, what I Not Want".

Fortunately, in the physical reality of space-time, phenomena do not appear in life instantly. There is such a wonderful thing as time buffer between the time you start thinking about something and the moment it occurs. This time buffer gives us the opportunity to redirect attention mainly towards what you would really like to see in your life. Long before the phenomenon materializes (in fact, the moment you first thought about it), you, on your own sensations you can understand whether you want it to come true or not. If you keep paying attention to it, whether you end up wanting it or not, it will show up in your life.

These Laws, even if you don’t understand, their actions affect life despite your ignorance. You may not realize that you are familiar with Law of Attraction but its effects show up in every area of ​​your life.

When you think about what you are reading now and begin to notice the connection between what you say and think and what you receive, you will begin to understand the power Law of Attraction. By consciously controlling your thoughts and focusing on the things you want to attract into your life, you will begin to experience the results you desire in all areas.

Your physical world is vast and varied, full of amazing experiences and situations, some of which you enjoy (and would like to experience) and some of which you do not (and would not like to experience). When you came into this physical body, you were not going to demand that the world change in accordance with your opinion of how things should be arranged, destroying what you don't like and adding what you like.

You are here to create the world around you that you want, allowing the world to exist as others want it to exist. And while their choice in no way interferes with yours, what they choose attracts your vibration and therefore - and your estrus attraction.

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According to this law, everything in this world obeys the universal law of vibration. This means that every object, be it water, gas, earth, has its own energy and vibration. A rock, a person or a machine may seem completely calm and static at first glance, but they vibrate on a sub-atomic level. Heat, light and sound also vibrate, but at higher frequencies than tangible objects.

Vibrations also emit sounds, imagine a guitar with strings, depending on the thickness and pressure on the string, it changes its sound. Sometimes the vibrations become so strong that even human hearing can detect them. This can be compared to the way we see color. We can only see colors in the spectrum of the rainbow.

However, there are other colors, such as ultraviolet, which exists but vibrates at such a high frequency that we cannot see it.

Each thing or living creature has its own unique vibration, this once again proves that in our world, there are no two completely identical objects. Everyone knows that like is attracted to like, just as vibrations are attracted to vibrations of similar frequencies.

Our thoughts also have energy with a certain frequency, and since each of our thoughts is sent into the universe, there it finds the same energies with similar frequencies, and this energy is sent back to us in the form of life circumstances, people, in general, everything that has a similar vibration.

The higher your vibration, the more positive your life will be; the lower, the more failures you will encounter along the way. This means that a person must constantly work to increase his vibrating frequencies. With proper understanding and use of the law of vibration, we can design our own lives.

The practice of visualization and constant repetition of positive affirmations are the most effective ways to increase your own energy and vibration. It is also very important to fundamentally change your established negative opinions and thoughts. Without changing your subconscious, simply repeating affirmations will not bring the desired effect. Affirmations must sit deep in your subconscious and become a part of you, only then can you expect some changes. Only when used in combination with affirmations, visualizations and positive thinking is it possible to increase your own vibration. And this, in turn, will pay off for you in lucrative offers, success with the opposite sex, increased income, etc. You can continue ad infinitum.

It is clear that, one way or another, you will have to change your life and your usual rhythm. For many, this will not be easy to do, but you must overcome yourself. There is nothing static in our world; all the energies that control us are alive. So why are you so stubbornly afraid to make even small changes in your own life?

And lastly, it will be easier for you to change your own vibrations to positive ones if you refuse to communicate with people who cause you pain. Try to watch TV and read newspapers less often - tune in better to your sense of self. Remember that any negative thought should be immediately replaced with a positive one. Stop complaining about fate, and repeat affirmations as often as possible. Draw pictures of your bright future in your imagination. (This is especially useful to do for the first time minutes after waking up.)

The law of vibration always works only for our benefit.

In the end, it must be added that all the laws of the universe are intertwined, and in order to better understand them, we recommend that you read articles on our website about the Law of Action and the Law of Attraction.

Law of Action

The law of action is one of the many laws of the universe. It may be so popular as the law of cause and effect or the law of vibration, but this does not detract from its importance at all.

The main postulate of this law is to constantly act, only in this case can a person achieve his goals.

Reading, studying and attending courses to improve personal growth is of course good, but without action, without applying the acquired knowledge in practice, nothing will happen. It is precisely because of inaction that many well-educated and well-read people fail. Often people interested in personal growth start reading one book after another without observing any changes in their lives. Their morale generally improves, but there are no concrete results. Only at such moments does a person understand that knowledge alone is not enough, and it is necessary to begin to apply the learned rules in practice. Sooner or later there comes a time when you need to stop reading and start doing something.

But just starting to take steps is not enough either. There is a category of people who try not to solve problems, but to put them off until later, until this problem, multiplied, emerges in the future, and as this usually happens at the most inopportune moment. People bring the situation to a crisis, and only after that they remember the law of action. As a result, a person gets not just a problem, but not a solvable problem. This law will help improve your life only if you start applying it on time, the main thing is not to miss the right moment, then it will be too late.

Also, the application of these laws requires a person to have internal discipline and considerable willpower. You may lie to yourself that walking away from the problem is the best solution in the moment, but this will still make the situation worse in the end. You should get into the habit of taking action, and then your life will become much easier. The best way to force yourself not to be afraid to start a new life is to try to set global goals and achieve them. Small goals and problems resolve themselves on the way to bigger ones.

All you need is to determine for yourself what you currently lack most, make a plan with deadlines and main goals. With a specific, clear plan, it will be much easier for you to overcome your laziness and achieve success. Life is complicated enough, the plan is not. If the plan is complex, then it is a bad plan. The plan must be clear and precise. Only with a simple plan can you get your life moving.

Don't forget about positive thinking too. Being optimistic, you will be able to unexpectedly discover new ideas that will open closed doors for you. Negative thinking will only create unnecessary barriers and obstacles. The law of action only works if you work yourself. It has some kinetic energy that helps you as long as you work towards your goal.

And the last rule is to get rid of fear. Fear (link to article love and fear) is the main reason for our inaction. During difficult situations, fear constrains us, and we move away from our intended goal. Don't let fear take over you. Why wait for tomorrow, start acting now, and then tomorrow you will wake up as a completely different person.

Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is not just the most powerful of the Laws of the Universe; you must understand it before you can appreciate everything else we tell you. You must understand it before you can see meaning in your life or in anything you observe in the lives of others. In your own life and in the lives of others, everything is subject to the Law of Attraction.

He is the basis of everything you see embodied, the basis of everything that appears next to you. Awareness of the Law of Attraction and understanding of the principles of its work is necessary so that life is not meaningless. And even more so, it is necessary in order to live the joyful life for which you came here.

The Law of Attraction says that what is similar is attracted. When you say: “A fisherman sees a fisherman from afar,” you mean the Law of Attraction. You've seen evidence of this when you wake up in a bad mood, and then the whole day just gets worse and worse, and at the end of the day you think, “I shouldn't have gotten up today.” The Law of Attraction also works in your society when you see that the one who talks about illnesses the most is sick; the one who talks about wealth the most is the one who prospers. The Law of Attraction is obvious when you tune your radio to 98 FM and expect to receive a transmission on 98 FM because you understand that the signals from the transmitting tower and your receiver must match.

When you begin to remember the powerful Law of Attraction, the evidence of its operation becomes obvious to you because you begin to notice the exact correspondence between what you think about and what actually happens to you. Nothing appears in life just like that. You attract it all. With no exceptions.

To think is to attract

The more you begin to understand the power of the Law of Attraction, the more motivated you will be to consciously control your thoughts because you get what you think about, whether you want it or not. Everything you think about, without exception, you begin to attract into your life. When you think a little about what you want, according to the Law of Attraction, the thought becomes bigger and bigger, stronger and stronger. When you think about something you don't want, the Law of Attraction feeds on it, and that thought also grows.

Thoughts are powerful

The Law of Attraction and its magnetic energy extends out into the Universe and attracts other thoughts that are vibrationally similar to it. . . and this is what follows from this for you: your attention to various topics, the activation of thoughts and the reaction to them of the Law of Attraction are responsible for every person, every event, every circumstance that occurs in your life. All this comes into your life through a certain magnetic channel, because it vibrationally matches your thoughts. You get the essence of what you think about, no matter whether you want to get it or not. This may bother you at first, but over time, we hope you will be able to appreciate the validity, immutability and universality of the powerful Law of Attraction. When you understand this Law and begin to pay attention to where you direct your attention, you will again be in control of your own life. And this control, in turn, will remind you that there is nothing that you want and cannot achieve; There is nothing you don't want and can't get rid of.

The Omnipresent Emotional System

Your wonderful Emotional Guidance System gives you a huge advantage because the Law of Attraction is always at work, whether you know it or not. Therefore, when you think about something you don’t want and focus on this thought for a long time, according to the Law, you attract it stronger and stronger and stronger until, in the end, you attract the corresponding events or circumstances into your life. However, if you are aware of your Emotional Guidance System and how you feel, you will notice in the early and subtle stages that you are focusing on something you don’t want, and you can easily change the thought to

What if I want it to happen faster?

Thanks to the Law of Attraction, similar thoughts attract and become more powerful. As they become more powerful, and therefore closer to embodiment, they accordingly intensify the emotion you experience. When you focus on what you want, the Law of Attraction attracts more and more thoughts about your desire, and you experience stronger positive emotions. You can speed up the manifestation of something simply by giving it more attention, and the Law of Attraction will take care of the rest and attract the essence of the object of your thoughts to you.

How do I want to see myself?

Most of you are generally doing well in your life and want to keep it that way, but there are also things you would like to change. To do this, you must see them as you want, and not continue to see them as they are. Chances are, most of your thoughts are about the things you observe, which means your focus is attention and vibration, and therefore your Point of Attraction is dominated by what is. Everything is complicated by the fact that others are also watching you. So, as a result of the overwhelming attention that most of you give to the current situation (what is), change happens very slowly or not at all. A continuous stream of different people comes into your life, but the essence and theme of life experience changes slightly. To bring about truly positive change in your life, you must ignore the way things are and how others see you, and pay more attention to what you choose to see. With practice, you will be able to change your point of attraction and create significant changes in your life experience. Illness can turn into health, lack of wealth can turn into prosperity, bad relationships can be replaced by good ones, misunderstanding can be replaced by clarity. . . and so on. By intentionally directing your thoughts rather than simply observing what is happening around you, you will begin to change the pattern of vibrations to which the Law of Attraction responds.

How to increase your strength

IF THE THOUGHTS you think do not cause strong EMOTIONS, then they do not have much power of attraction. In other words, although every thought you think has creative, or magnetic, potential, the thoughts that are most powerful are those that are accompanied by strong emotions. Therefore, most of your thoughts usually do not have much gravitational pull. They, to one degree or another, preserve what you have already attracted.

To better understand the Law of Attraction, imagine yourself as a magnet that attracts the essence of what you think and feel to you. So, if you feel full, you will not be able to attract thinness. If you feel poor, you will not be able to attract wealth, and so on. This is against the law.

To think is to attract

The more you begin to understand the power of the Law of Attraction, the more motivated you will be to consciously control your thoughts because you get what you think about, whether you want it or not.

Everything you think about, without exception, you begin to attract into your life. When you think a little about what you want, Law of Attraction the thought becomes bigger and bigger, stronger and stronger. When you think about something you don't want, Law of Attraction“feeds” on this, and this thought also grows. Thus, the larger a thought becomes, the more energy it contains, and the more likely it is to manifest itself in your life.

When you see something you'd like to experience and say, "Yes, I want that!" – yours attention you invite it into your life. However, when you see something you don't want in your life and you scream, "No, no, I don't want that!" - you attract this into your life too attention. There are no exceptions in this gravity-based Universe. Your attention to something includes that something in your vibration. If you hold your attention or consciousness on this subject for a long time, Law of Attraction will attract it to you because “no” does not exist. In short, when you look at something and scream, “No, I don’t want that, get out!” – in fact, you are calling it to yourself. In this gravity-based universe, “no” does not exist. Your attention to something says: “Yes, come to me, what I Not Want".

Fortunately, in the physical reality of space-time, phenomena do not appear in life instantly. There is such a wonderful thing as time buffer between the time you start thinking about something and the moment it occurs. This time buffer gives you the opportunity to redirect your attention primarily towards what you would really like to see in your life. Long before the phenomenon materializes (in fact, the moment you first thought about it), you, on your own sensations you can understand whether you want it to come true or not. If you keep paying attention to it, whether you end up wanting it or not, it will show up in your life.

These Laws, even if you don’t understand their actions, affect your life despite your ignorance. You may not realize that you are familiar with Law of Attraction, but its effects show up in every area of ​​your life.

When you think about what you are reading now and begin to notice the connection between what you say and think and what you receive, you will begin to understand the power Law of Attraction. By consciously controlling your thoughts and focusing on the things you want to attract into your life, you will begin to experience the results you desire in all areas.

Your physical world is vast and varied, full of amazing experiences and situations, some of which you enjoy (and would like to experience) and some of which you do not (and would not like to experience). When you came into this physical body, you were not going to demand that the world change according to your opinion of how things should be arranged, eliminating what you don't like and adding what you like.

You are here to create the world around you that you want, allowing the world to exist as others want it to exist. And while their choice in no way interferes with yours, what they choose attracts your vibration and thereforeand your point of attraction.

Thoughts have magnetic power

Law of Attraction and its magnetic energy reaches out into the Universe and attracts other thoughts that are vibrationally similar to it... and this is what follows for you: your attention to various topics, activation of thoughts and reaction to them Law of Attraction are responsible for every person, every event, every circumstance that occurs in your life. All this comes into your life through a certain magnetic channel, because it vibrationally matches your thoughts.

You get the essence of what you think about, whether you want it or not. This may bother you at first, but over time, we hope you will be able to appreciate the justice, immutability and universality of the mighty Law of Attraction. When will you understand this Law and start paying attention to where you direct your attention, you will again be in control of your own life. And this control, in turn, will remind you that there is nothing you wish for and cannot do. reach; There is nothing you don't want and can't get rid of.

Understanding Law of Attraction and the ability to see the complete correspondence between your thoughts and feelings and what is embodied in your life experiences will make you more attentive to the stimulation of your thoughts. You will begin to realize that your thoughts may be stimulated by something you read or saw on TV, heard or observed in someone else's example. When you see the impact for yourself Law of Attraction thoughts that are at first fleeting, and then become larger and stronger from your attention, then you will feel an inner need to direct your thoughts, to a greater extent, to the phenomena that you want to experience. Because whatever you are thinking, and whatever the origin of that thought is when you think it, Law of Attraction comes into play and begins to present you with other thoughts, conversations and situations that are of a similar nature.

Whether you remember the past, observe the present, imagine the future, you do it Now, and whatever you focus on, the vibration is activated and reacts to Law of Attraction. You may think about a topic to yourself at first, but if you do it long enough, you will notice that people start discussing it with you because Law of Attraction finds people with the same vibration and attracts them to you. The longer you focus on something, the more powerful it becomes, and the stronger your point of attraction, the more evidence of this appears in your life. It doesn't matter whether you focus on what you want or what you don't want, the manifestation of your thoughts is constantly being drawn to you.

The inner self communicates through emotions

You are much more than what you appear to be when you look at your physical body. Of course you are truly wonderful physical creator, but at the same time you exist in another dimension. There is a part of you - Non-physical part - which we call Inner Essence, and it exists right now while you are in your physical body.

Your emotions are a physical representation of your connection to your Inner Being.. In other words, you focus on the topic and develop your own perspective and views on it. Yours Inner Essence is also focused on it, and also has its own perspective and opinion. Emotions, which you feel indicate to you a coincidence or divergence of opinions. For example, something happened and your current opinion about yourself is that you should have done better, or that you are not smart enough, or that you are unworthy of something. Because current opinion Inner Essence this is that you do everything perfectly, that you are smart and invariably worthy - opinions on this definitely do not coincide, and you feel the discrepancy in the form negative emotions. On the other hand, when you are proud of yourself, love yourself or someone else, your current opinion is much closer to what you are currently experiencing. Inner Essence, in which case you will experience positive emotions pride, love and approval.

An article has already been written about the power of every word spoken by a person and how the spoken words affect his life.

A word can elevate a person and, unfortunately, even kill. Everyone is responsible to themselves and to the Universe for their spoken words.

But our thoughts have even greater power.

Does a person think about the fact that it is with his thoughts that he attracts either favorable or negative events in his life?

Our whole life is subject to the laws of the Cosmos. Whether we like it or not, we live by these laws.

And such the most important law of life is the Law of Attraction.

The Power of Thought and the Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction determines the order of the Universe, every moment of life. It doesn’t matter where a person is or who he is, the Law of Attraction takes a person’s thoughts and creates his life according to his thoughts. It is with his thoughts that a person puts the Law into action.

This law has always been and will always be.

He has always acted in history and in the life of every person.

The Law of Attraction has been known for a long time.

It was mentioned in ancient writings. Civilizations of the past used this law. And they flourished thanks to his knowledge. But the leaders and rulers kept this law secret.

Everyone who sought to understand why all people live differently comprehended this Law. Many tried to convey it to people.

It is spoken of in the teachings and works of Socrates, Pythagoras, Plato, Isaac Newton, Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Victor Hugo and other great thinkers. William Shakespeare wrote about it in his poems, Ludwig Van Beethoven reflected it in his music, Leonardo da Vinci in his paintings.

We attracted everything that is in our life to ourselves. Everything we think about, we attract into our lives.

If a person thinks poorly about his work, about his boss or subordinates, or has a bad opinion about his colleagues or employees, then he should not expect career growth, material rewards or good relationships.

If a woman thinks poorly of men, then she will receive the same opinion about herself from men.

If a man thinks of himself as a failure, then he will not be able to achieve success.

If a person complains, then he attracts even more situations to complain about!

If she listens to someone’s complaints, agrees with them and supports them, then she attracts similar situations into her life.

The law responds to our thoughts, whatever they may be.

It operates on the principle of similarity:

Like attracts like.

Every person is a powerful magnet. The force of attraction hidden in a person is very powerful. And it is radiated by our thoughts.

Many people do not know that thoughts have their own physical frequency. They send magnetic signals, which then attract people to everything that matches these signals.

Man is a powerful transmitter in the Universe. The waves he emits create his life and the world around him.

Therefore, a person’s task is that he must clearly understand what he wants and try to hold onto these thoughts.

If a person sees something in his imagination, then soon he will hold it in his hands.

If a person thinks about what he wants and makes it his main thought, he will definitely attract what he wants into his life.

Thoughts become things!

If a person is sad and constantly thinks about the trouble that happened to him, he, according to the law of attraction, attracts even more sad thoughts. And the situation is getting worse. The problem with most people is that they constantly think about something bad. Or about what they don't want. This is what all appears in their lives.

Therefore, you need to think and talk about what you want!

The Law of Attraction does not distinguish between good and evil, and it does not matter to it what a person considers good or bad. He only receives thoughts and returns them in the form of experiences and life events. He gives a person what he thinks about.

However, the Law of Attraction is under human control. If a person focuses his attention and energy on a desire, then he receives the fulfillment of his desire.

Unfortunately, it is human nature to think about what he does not want. “I’m afraid of being late, the main thing is not to be late.” By focusing on such thoughts, he attracts this into his life, because the law does not understand that a person does not want this.

You should avoid thoughts containing the particle “not” or the word “no” and other negative words. By saying “I don’t want to get sick,” a person conveys another meaning – “I want to get sick.”

However, do not be afraid of your negative thoughts. They need to be replaced with positive ones. Positive thoughts are stronger.

Man is the creator of his life. He always creates. Either he thinks about his usual affairs, or new thoughts come to his mind - he is engaged in the process of Creation. And as a result of these thoughts, life events are formed.

But with his thoughts, a person creates not only his life, but also contributes to the creation of the Universe.

A person thinks most of his time, no matter what he does. Therefore, the Law of Attraction operates all this time while a person is thinking. It doesn't matter whether he thinks about the past, or the present, or the future.

There is a period of time between the formed desire and its implementation. Thoughts do not materialize immediately. This allows a person to reconsider decisions and make new choices.

The Law of Attraction always operates, regardless of whether a person believes in it or not, understands it or does not understand it.

Knowledge about the power of thought and the Law of Attraction enable a person to create his life and make it a reality.

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With wishes of success in managing your thoughts, .


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